
Abort by C.D. Hulen // Review

About the Book :
It’s easy to tell when someone is dead, but what makes them alive? Is it the memories they keep, or the pain they feel, or the love they share? For Cecilio, the first colony of Proxima B, the answer could bring prosperity or crack the very foundations of society.

After a five-year leave of absence, Commander Mason Wyatt is sent to an antique starship with the chance to earn back his rank and bury his past. All he must do is uphold the answer: life is what Cecilio says it is. But as the starship nears Proxima B, Mason’s past boils to the surface and Cecilio’s answer begins to unravel.


An intriguing adventure that finds ex-captain Mason Wyatt sent to an antique haven ship to complete a mysterious mission in a bid to regain his rank and reputation after a disastrous mission gone wrong.

The story opens mysteriously, in a purposefully disorienting fashion that reeled me in with all the unanswered questions. It took a while to get used to time jumping and flashbacks, but it worked well in this story, taking time to unpack and see how it was all coming together. I thought that this book did an excellent job of world building by showing different scenes from the past, and avoiding the temptation of info dumping, which I really appreciated.

Mason is a character that has seen many things, and endured much that shaped him into who he is today. His character is juxtaposed with that of the rebel Carter, who in contrast is bright eyed, with a fresh sense of absolutes. I think that this book did a great job of framing the message well, in a innovative way that was compelling, with good tension and high stakes. An adventurous speculative sci-fi read that asks what it means to be alive, with well developed characters, good pacing, and a compelling plot.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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C.D. Hulen is a writer, actor, and the author of the new science fiction novel Abort. A lifelong storyteller, C. D. spent nearly a decade honing his skills in creative writing and now focuses on stories and characters which convey challenging themes relevant to the state of our society. When he is not writing, C. D. Hulen enjoys his family, musical theatre and experiencing the beauty and transformative power of the gospel.  https://www.cdhulen.com/

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