
The Secret of Fire by J.J. Fischer // Review

My Review: 

A truly epic conclusion, that blew past my expectations.

 I liked how right from the beginning we started to get answers about El's past in the otherworld, things that had kind of driven me crazy not being completely sure about in the previous book. But right away we start getting answers, and I liked that El stands by her convictions throughout. 

Excellently done character arcs, with strong gradual development over the course of the story, I loved the well handled faith conversations were between Torsten and Kit. I also found myself surprised at how much I came to like Emery over the course of his story.

Overall, a fantastic conclusion to the duology, that in my opinion is even better than the first in the series. In depth exploration of faith, strong characters that are willing to make costly sacrifices, love tested and more. Perfect for fans of speculative fiction!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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