
Beauty Reborn by Elizabeth Lowham // Review

My Review: 

A stunning re-telling that for me was the perfect blend of staying true to the original while turning it on its head. 

Beauty is a young woman who uses her words and wit brazenly, as well as to fill the silence making light of life's trials, disguising a life shattered by an event that haunts her. This is a beautiful re-telling of a classic tale, I loved how it captures the classic tale, while digging deeper and even though I know the original well, it kept me guessing how it would end.

 The lovely prose flows through the book, weaving a captivating tale perfect for lovers of fairy tales. It also deals excellently with the topic of sexual assault in a sensitive but powerful way, that would be appropriate in my mind for teen readers. 

Beauty is a flawed character, who is clever but not always compassionate, thoughtlessly flaunting her wit, but my heart still went out for her because despite all of her bravado it is a cover for her true heart. I liked how the beast challenged her way of thinking with his quiet ways. 

Overall, I devoured this well written re-telling of one of my favorite stories, I haven't read a book so quickly in a long time, and I didn't want it to end. I honestly wouldn't change a thing about this lovely re-telling, and hope to read more similar books from this author in the future!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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