Marshall Graham finds himself in over his head when he offers to help care for his nieces and nephews while his sister recuperates from their birth--all four of them. He enlists the help of Ainsley Draper, a aspiring nurse, to nanny the newborn quads.
Ainsley attacks the chaos, and quickly has everything under control, getting to know each of the individual babies' personalities. Marshall and Ainsley get to know each other as they care for the quads, share meals, and get ready for Christmas.
Ainsley has overcome a tough childhood, she hopes to get a job at the hospital soon so she can't take care of the quads forever, and is hoping to help transition their care to their mother.
Marshall like Ainsley a lot, and appreciates her help, but he feels guilty for leaving his sister in the past.
I loved Sweet Dreams and how they welcomed Ainsley. I liked how the quads and their working together to care for them drew Ainsley and Marshall together and apart. Ainsley has a strong faith, and encourages the parents of the quads to care for their children.
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