
Sons of Thunder: Season 1 // TV Show Review

Combat vet Simon motorcycles across the country, working odd jobs, helping those God puts in his path, and trying to atone for past sins in a biker club, in this Pureflix exclusive series. 


My Review: 

Sons of Thunder is somethings of a hidden gem, because you don't quite know what to expect until you give it a chance. Simon turned over a new leaf when he became a Christian, leaving behind his checkered past as part of an infamous motorcycle gang as well as the woman he loves.

Simon rides across the country picking up odd jobs and helping people along the way, trusting God while trying to outrun his past. Simon is an unlikely hero, but he follows where God leads, I admired his commitment and willingness to stand his ground. It was fun getting to see him in different situations using his know-how to help others. I also thought that it was awesome how he used the opportunities given him to witness to others. 

Sons of Thunder is an engaging show, filled with faith, and action. Simon is a humble hero, who stands up for his faith and is a willing helping hand to those who think they are helping him. A great series for families with teens as there are some adult situations and violence, even thought they keep it non-explicit. Definitely worth checking out!

I received a complimentary code to view this TV Show. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

#SonsOfThunderMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork #PureFlix

The story continues in Sons of Thunder : Redemption coming soon to PureFlix! 

A spin-off of the original "Sons of Thunder." "Redemption" follows Jacob, a lone biker on the road, on his journey to share his faith, seek forgiveness and encourage others on a ranch in California while scraping by from job to job and spreading the love of Jesus to those he meets.

You can catch up on the original series now streaming all episodes on PureFlix: HERE

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