
How to Teach Kids Theology: Deep Truths for Growing Faith by Sam Luce and Hunter Williams // Review

My Review: 

Teaching theology can feel like a heavy responsibility, but this book encourages anyone in children's ministry to have confidence in sharing the simple yet deep truths of God and making the most of everyday moments. 

I loved the passion and relatability that the authors bring to this book, encouraging volunteers, parents, Sunday school teachers, and youth leaders, along the way. I especially liked how they stressed the importance of showing children an accurate picture of God and His attributes. We cannot teach children only about His love and neglect His holiness, goodness, mercy, justice, etc. 

Under 200 pages including the appendixes, this book is concise and cuts to the heart of the matter, with suggestions for resources as well. I think that my favorite part of this book was how it encourages parents, children's ministry workers and volunteers to not shy away from tough topics, but teach about who God is and give our kids a solid foundation to build their own theology on. 

Overall, a must-read for anyone working with children at church or at home. I found this book so encouraging, and before I was even finished I was recommending it to friends and talking over topics covered in the book. Now that I've finished it, I recommend it even more and want to read it again in the future!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

About the Author:

 Sam graduated from Portland Bible College in 1997 with a BA in Theology and has since dedicated over two decades to serving at Redeemer Church in Utica, New York. Beginning as a children's pastor, he has held various roles and currently serves as the Executive Pastor of Ministries. In 2021, Sam earned dual Master of Arts degrees from Knox Theological Seminary in Biblical and Theological Studies, as well as Christian and Classical Studies. An accomplished author and contributing editor to K! magazine, Sam has also chaired the INCM board and maintained a blog since 2007. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences and offers coaching, focusing on the transformative power of the Gospel and mentoring the next generation of disciple-makers. Sam and his wife celebrate 25 years of marriage and cherish their four children, aged 20, 17, 15, and 11. They currently reside in Upstate New York, where Sam enjoys reading, baseball, writing, and quality time with his family.


  1. Thank you for reviewing this much needed resource and already recommending it to others. Appreciate you!

  2. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review our book I pray it is helpful and encouraging for the sake of the next generation.

    1. It is a wonderful resource, and I'm glad I was able to read it!


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