Hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes plague the five kingdoms, growing and groaning with increasing frequency, and the kingdoms rumble with unrest.
In Armania three princes vie for their father's throne. Wilek wishes to end his father's cruel practice of human sacrifice, but when he is taken captive by the Magon he is forced to fight for not only his crown, but his life. Trevyn dodges through the webs of conspiracy at court, destined for the priesthood, Trevyn spends his days translating the Book of Arman, and running the rooftops with his backman Hinck. Trevyn finds himself maneuvering through the foils of court life, while trying to reveal the dark secrets of his elder brother, Janek, finding an unlikely confident in Mielle, handmaiden to his brother, Wilek's betrothed.
Charlon longs for safety and belonging, having just escaped a life of abuse she seeks refuge with the Magonians, welcoming their spells and their coaxings to become a mantic--one who consorts with spirits.
Kal goes in search of the meaning behind the mysterious rune left in the wake of a cruel murder, but his search leads him instead to a blind prophetess and her guide cat, a mysterious boy who defies the laws of nature, and hired exiles sent to bring about the rescue of his prince.
As the earth crumbles and shatters beneath them, will they heed the prophecies of the true prophet before it is too late?
Originally released as three e-books, comes the first installment in The Kinsmen Chronicles. Told through many characters, amazingly I didn't have too much trouble keeping track of them all, and there were many! A tightly woven storyline that had me rushing back to its pages whenever I had a spare moment, I couldn't put it down, as I came to care for one character they were thrown into peril, and I was introduced to yet another that captured my sympathies. Excellent pacing and storytelling, the names may sound familiar-ish as this is prequel of sorts to Ms. Williamson's much acclaimed Blood of Kings Trilogy, though the connections are not yet easy to connect beyond the Hadar name.
A well built beginning to a new saga, that left me wanting more, I dreaded the ending, yet raced on towards it, needing to know what would happen next, yet dreading that I might not get the answers that I desired. I was completely drawn into the story, not knowing from one moment to another who should be trusted and who I should cheer for.
I admired Trevyn, though often underestimated by those around him, the son of the King's unloved wife, he is full of fire, and knows his own mind. I liked his discerning mind, and that he weighed the things presented to him to consider, as well as his sense of adventure, and how he treated those around him as equals.
I can't wait to read more about Kal and Onika, and also to learn the significance of Grayson's abilities.
For much of the book I wasn't quite sure what to make of Wilek, which you will likely understand as you read this book, and perhaps that is what makes him one of the most interesting characters as he showed a well done complex growth throughout the novel.
One thing I will mention is that this book has a more adult tone to it, due to the immorality common in the courts of Armania, nothing is graphically detailed or played out explicitly, but it is there nonetheless, and I would advise this book for adults or older, mature teens.
Overall, a masterful read with a well built storyline, and many complex characters, full of adventure that kept me on the edge of my seat. There is so much going on, between the multiple interwoven stories and characters, and I can't wait to read the rest of the series!
Thank you Ms. Williamson for providing me with a review copy of this book in return for an honest review!
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