Lucie's Review:
Action packed western adventure and romance combine as they work to unravel the mysterious events on the mountain no one can climb.
Hired hand Heath Kincaid comes to Chance Boden's aid when an avalanche knocks Chance form his horse, breaking his leg. Because of his close brush with death, and far from out of the woods yet, Chance demands that his will be read and that Heath have the directives carried out immediately to ensure the future security of Chance's family and stop the land from going to their cousin Mike.
Heath finds himself deeply involved with the Bodens and after discovering that the avalanche was a murder attempt, he is even more determined to protect them, especially Sadie Boden, and get to the bottom of the dangers that seem to follow the Boden Family.
I absolutely LOVED this book, I read it straight through, and when I finished, I just started reading it again. There is plenty of humor, and though the Bodens fire Heath, he never stops trying to find ways to help them and fulfill the deathbed promise he made to their father. I like the brotherly banter between Cole and Justin, and how they come to accept Heath as more than the hired help. I loved the hilarious interactions and dialog throughout the book.
Sadie is a strong willed woman with a good head on her shoulders, compassionate and responsible, she is is ready to defend what is rightfully her's and get to the bottom of the mystery of who is out to get them. I liked that Sadie looks past Heath's status as hired help, and sees as he is, an honorable man, of intelligence and integrity.
Overall, a fast paced, page-turner, full of fascinating characters, and riveting plots twists. I really admired Justin, Cole, Heath, and Sadie, and how they came to find common respect for one another, as they worked together to find the culprit. There was so much going on in this action packed read, along with lots of humor and fun along the way--there were multiple moments when I just had to laugh aloud. Highly recommend this fantastic read by Mary Connealy!!!
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