
The Accidental Guardian by Mary Connealy ~ Review

Lucie's Review:

When Trace Riley comes across a wagon train attacked by outlaws, it brings back his own memories of when his wagon train met the same fate and he was the only survivor. He offers help to the survivors, Deb and Gwen Harkness, as well as children Maddie Sue and Ronnie Scott, offering them shelter.

Deborah and her sister Gwen are travelling west with the Scott family, and helping to care for children Maddie Sue and Ronnie. When their wagon train is brutally attacked and burned, leaving no other survivors, they must trust the strong silent cowboy who comes to their rescue.

Trace takes them back to his ranch, he and his hands make them welcome, moving into the barn, and working to build a better cabin so that they will all be safe in the winter. The men are very welcoming, and grateful when Deb and Gwen offer to start cooking meals, but they disappear when ever baby, Ronnie needs changing.

Trace isn't very good at talking to Deb, because he's never had much experience talking to women. But he does realize that if he wants to know her better he needs to be more willing to talk to her. He opens up a little about his past. Trace is a very brave and honorable man, he has been watching the pass for years, and doing is best to ward off the attacks. He wants to hunt down the outlaws once and for all, making the pass safe for travellers.

Deb is smart and determined, she is used to hard work, and is cool in a crisis. She is independent and likes to do things for herself. She admires Trace, for all the hardships, he's been through, his faith, and how hardworking he is.

 Trace is my favorite, he has matured so much in his faith from reading the Bible over so many times, but he is still pretty clueless about women. He has the heart of a hero and is a great protector, with a good horse and loyal dog.

Overall a fun read, with plenty of action and good interaction. It obviously has a tough start with te attacks, and once everything gets back on track it goes much smoother. Great humor, and surprises along the way. I'm excited to read the next books in the series.

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The Wounded Shadow by Patrick W. Carr ~ Review

My Review:

Picking up right where the previous books left off, the kings are trying to contain the Darkwater as it closes in. Willet Dura seeks the answer to defeating the Darkwater, while also looking for answers for the vault within. Meanwhile searching for heirs and missing members of the vigil, while Toria goes to the front lines and Fess tries to find peace with his two gifts.

This can be a rather daunting and confusing read if you have not read the previous books in the series, so I won't not recommend attempting to start with this book. Also it is a very complexly built world and it can be hard to jump into again, if you are like me and haven't read about Willet and his companions since last year when the second installment came out.

I did find it a bit hard to remember the details of what was going on, so it took me some time to get back in the swing of things. I did feel like this book took some twists that felt abrupt and changed the flow of the entire course of the book, and though we've been working up to it for a long time the ending felt kinda neat. It also brought up many questions for me on what kind of metaphors and allusions that the Fayit were meant to correlate to in the spiritual realm, and what their origin story meant for everyone, and if I was possibly analyzing it too closely.

I liked seeing Willet grow more confident in his role in the Vigil despite their distrust, it was good to see Fess's growth throughout, and Pellin finally come into his own as Eldest. I found it was a bit hard to keep up with all of the characters, as well as the many new ones, it is a complex world, with many twists along the way.

Willet matured in this book, seemingly less impulsive, though his street smarts definitely helped him navigate the challenges before him.

Overall, I'm not a hundred percent sure what I think about this book as I have a lot of questions, but I did like seeing the characters grow towards who they are meant to be. Good fantasy world building, and an intriguing plot, that kept me turning the pages. Though the end of a trilogy, I'm sure there are many more adventures to be had in the future!

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Mission to Protect by Terri Reed ~ Review

Lucie's Review:

The first in a new series about Military K-9's, set at Canyon Air Force Base.

The Red Rose Killer from prison and breaks onto the secure Air Force base, letting all the dogs loose, and to leaving roses for his former basic training classmates. Felicity escapes death when she unknowingly switches shifts, and is missed when the killer comes after her.

Sergeant Westley James puts himself and his dog, Dakota, in charge of protecting Felicity. Wes has always been gruff and tough on Felicity, so she is surprised when he volunteers to keep her safe. Wes has always been aware of Felicity and tried to keep his distance from her because of the military's no fraternization policy.

Can Wes and Dakota help to keep Felicity safe before it's too late?

Felicity is still grieving her father's mysterious death, her father's friend is unofficially investigating, and strange things have been have been happening even before Red Rose escaped. Felicity is given a position as a military photographer in hopes that something will turn up in her pictures and to draw out the killer. Felicity was raised in a military family, she's smart and capable, but feels like she has to prove herself everyday as a woman in her father's shadow.

Wesley is an excellent dog trainer, he understands the work you have to put in before you can rely on a dog. He is good at his job and is committed to the Air Force. He struggles to trust, due to his rough growing up, but Felicity brings out the best in him, and draws out his softer side.

Suspenseful, with three ongoing mysteries throughout the book. There's a lot going on and it sets up the future books in the series well, I like how this book explores the discipline of the military K-9s. Felicity and Wes book are strong characters, who can come off like they have a chip on their shoulders, but they bring out the best in each other. A great start to a new K-9 series!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."


The Heart's Appeal by Jennifer Delamere ~ Review

Lucie's Review:

Julia Bernay is pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor, but she has a few challenging classes that she must pass. Julia rushes to help when a man is injured in an underground accident, when she goes to check on him after saving his life, she asks him to help her with latin.

Michael Stephenson is a barrister, is sister wants him to marry within his class and station, but he can't forget about the fiercely independent woman who stole his heart and saved is life. Michael is also working on a case of libel against the London School of Medicine for Women by the powerful Earl of Westbridge, who wants to shut down the school his daughter Edith Morton attends.

Even though they are opposite sides of the case, Michael is drawn to Julia, does their love have a chance?

Michael and his sister grew up within society's sphere, but when their father lost their money, is sister, Corinna, married a wealthy man to save their family, and it afforded his the opportunity to go to school and become a lawyer.

Michael admires Julia so much, he's never met a woman like her before, so in love with learning, with a natural instinct about people. He likes her straightforward attitude, and how she doesn't care a fig for his money or his money, she has a passion for truly helping people. But will Michael and Julia's growing friendship put his whole career on the line, as well as his family's social standing?

Overall, this is a fantastic read, with great characters, and a compelling story. Julia is a inspiring heroine, she has a passion for her work and for learning, I love how she wants to serve others with her gifts and knowledge, she is direct and knows how to get things done. I really liked how Michael takes a second look at his life and faith over the course of the book. David, Corinna's husband is a wonderful man, full of grace and patience. My favorite book of the series so far, I read the first book in the series and enjoyed it, but this sequel is utterly fantastic!

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The Weaver's Daughter by Sarah E. Ladd ~ Review

Lucie's Review:

Kate Dearbourne loves working with her family, and dreams of taking over operating her father's weaving business, but her father has plans for her to marry. But with Henry Stockton and his modernized wool mill, her family's livelihood is at stake. When Kate finds a young girl sick on the steps of the mill she takes her to the office, and is shocked by Henry's warm concern, he even has coats made for all of the children.

Henry Stockton returns from the war to take possession of his inheritance, and wants to modernize his grandfather's wool mill, despite the grumbling from the local weavers. Henry must care for his family, and he can see the advantages of marrying Frederica Pennington, but he can't get Kate out of his head.

Will staunch family loyalties keep Kate and Henry apart?

The winds of change are coming, with the Stockton Mill moving towards modernization, no longer contracting out to the local weavers, Kate's father along with the other weavers band together to protest the changes, threatening the safety of the townspeople.

Kate loves working with her father dying the wool, and wants to have more say in the weaving, but her father only wants her to marrying his foreman, John, who cares nothing for her, but sees it as a way to lay claim to the Dearbourne's business.

Kate and Henry despite being on opposite sides of the conflicts find themselves meeting up frequently, and their growing friendship helps them both to see both sides. They both have to bear a lot of the weight of the pressures exerted upon them by their families. There is also a mystery going on, with who killed Henry's grandfather.

Overall, a well written book with plenty of action drama, with high strung tensions. Henry is drawn to Kate and her compassionate heart, loyalty, and how she is willing to stand up for what is right. A very exciting ending brings everything together, great characters, and a drama filled story. Great read all the way through and hard to put down!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."


A Song Unheard by Roseanna M. White ~ Review

Lucie's Review:

Willa Forsythe is a talented musical prodigy, she can play a song perfectly after only hearing it once, but she is also a thief. Willa is tasked with stealing a cypher from a famed violinist, at the brink of WWI.

Lukas De Wilde is a renowned violinist, travelling for grand concerts with the orchestra, but now with the political tension brewing he finds himself a target, with both sides wanting to get a hold of is father's life's work as a cryptographer.  He is intrigued by the brilliant Willa, who is graced with a magnificent gift, and rebuffs his advances.

As the danger closes in and Willa must make her move and betray Lukas to complete her mission.

I liked the interaction between Willa and Lukas, he has a reputation as a ladies man, and comes off as very flirtatious, but Willa rebuffs him and takes it in stride. Lukas likes her though, and wants more with Willa, but how can he convince her that his words are genuine?

Lukas grows a lot over the course of the book, realizing that his past behavior isn't something to be proud of, and steps out in faith in his relationship with God.

There is so much more to this story than Willa and Lukas tough, it also follows Lukas's sister, Margot, and his mother who are in hiding. Margot is brilliant with numbers and worked with their father in his cryptography, I loved her unwavering faith. Barclay who was also in the last book is also more developed, he is the leader of their little family and works for Mr. V.

I love how Willa and Lukas bring out the best in each other. Willa is clever and independent, yet fiercely loyal to her family, she is very talented, and doesn't trust easy. Lukas works hard, and wants to be a better man, turning to his faith to help him be more accountable, and he finds that keeping his word is not as easy as he thought. Well written, and engaging throughout, highly recommend!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."


Pelican Point by Irene Hannon ~ Review

Lucie's Review:

Ben Garrison is a retired Army Orthopedic Surgeon, he has many wonderful memories of spending his childhood at Pelican Point with his grandparents. When his grandfather leaves the lighthouse to him, Ben finds it a hindrance to his plans to join a private practice. Since he has no plans to restore a dilapidated lighthouse, he puts it on the market.

Marci Weber moved to Hope Harbor 2 years ago. She knew Skip, Ben's grandfather and helped him care for Pelican Point, she owns the town paper and wants to do a story on Skip. She talks to Ben after funeral and finds out his plans to sell Pelican Point, she tries to talk him out of it, but he is against keeping it. Marci rallies the town together with a campaign to save Pelican Point.

Marci's friends Rachel and Greg have been going through a tough time, they recently moved to Hope Harbor after Greg lost his leg in an accident. Rachel has been working for Marci, and when Greg hears about the lighthouse campaign, he is excited and has something to work and focus on since losing his leg.

I like how the lighthouse helps Greg to move past the accident, he takes initiative, and starts to see his life looking up.

Ben is a good man, full of faith and integrity, he is a great doctor, and very intelligent. He doesn't want to see the lighthouse torn down either, but he doesn't see how he could balance keeping the lighthouse with his busy life. He can't help but admire Marci and her passion for the lighthouse. He tries to avoid her at first, but as their paths cross he sees that it is impossible.

I liked the interaction between Ben and Marci, they have different opinions about the lighthouse that end up bringing them together. It was fun revisiting Hope Harbor, many of my favorite characters came out to help save the lighthouse as well as Charley from the fish taco stand.

A fun fast paced read with great dialog and a wonderful community coming together to save a lighthouse. Great humor and plenty of surprises along the way. Marci was my favorite, she lives her faith and has an infectious "can do" spirit. I also really loved how this book followed Rachel and Greg and how Rahel never gave up. A fantastic book from beginning to end!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."


Mail-Order Bride Switch by Dorothy Clark ~ Review

Lucie's Review:

Garret Stevenson is one of the bachelors of Whisper Creek, Wyoming, who accepted the deal to open a business and have a wife shortly after his hotel opens. He has a mail-order bride coming and is engaged to be married in name only to a maid that will help him cook and clean for the guests coming to his hotel. But when a beautiful heiress steps off the train instead of a maid, he makes the best of the situation in order to keep his business.

Victoria Winterman is being railroaded into an arranged marriage to a manipulative man, so when her maid runs off with the butler instead of following through with her mail-order engagement, Victoria takes her maid's place. Victoria doesn't know a thing about cooking or cleaning, and struggles to keep up with the hotel's demands.

Will Garret find the courage to speak up, and give their marriage of convenience a chance?

Victoria is very knowledgeable about hosting, and being hospitable to guests, when Garret has to leave town suddenly, Mrs. Fuller comes to stay at the hotel, and kindly teaches Victoria how to do household tasks and to cook. Mrs. Fuller is a true godsend, kind, patient and willing to lend a hand, and when Garret offers her a job she happily accepts.

Victoria is a quick learner, she embraces learning new things, and catches on quickly. Victoria wonders if there could be more between her and Garret than an in name only marriage, and gracefully gives Garret time to figure things out. I like how she was smart and quick thinking to to take a chance and get out of the horrible arranged marriage back home. She holds to her faith, knowing that God will see her through.

Garret doesn't like how kind and entirely too pretty Victoria is, he has never wanted to get married and struggles to trust women after his mother abandoned him when he was young. He keeps sending mixed signals, but is ever the gentleman, respectful, and kind, though sometimes the stress of starting a business got to him.

Overall, a sweet western romance, it took a little time for them to figure out what they wanted, but an enjoyable story nonetheless. I liked Victoria's strong faith and how she was open to learning new skills, and how Mrs. Fuller helped her out. Mrs. Fuller was avery kind and gave good advice, her cooking was also amazing. A good story with a touching twist to the ending.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."


A Loyal Heart by Jody Hedlund ~ Review

A Loyal Heart (An Uncertain Choice, #4)
My Review:

Lady Olivia wants to please her father and make an advantageous match, but when their stronghold is invaded and she and her sister, Izzy, are taken captive by Lord Pitt's right hand man, Sir Alric. So when her father asks her to steal a relic from their enemy, she is determined to be loyal to her family and complete the mission. But when Alric steps up to protect her from death, she wonders if there is more to the gallant knight than she first believed.

Alric of Maidstone is the older brother of Sir Bennet, he had pledged himself to Lord Pitt to repay his great debt, and has since gained Lord Pitt's trust, and is like a son to him. But will he let his past hold him back from pursuing a second chance at love?

Olivia is beautiful, strong, and skilled at swordplay, she is more than capable of defending and standing for herself. She is fiercely loyal to her family, especially to her younger sister Izzy who is taken captive with her. I love how Olivia is smart, and thinks through her decisions weighing her loyalty, instead of following it blindly. Olivia is a strong heroine, ready to sacrifice for the ones that she loves.

Alric has become a honorable knight of the realm, still haunted by his past and the mistakes he made, he struggles to accept the grace and forgiveness readily offered. He is brave, humble, and a gentleman.

I was really excited when I heard that this would be Alric's story, it is clear that he has come a long way in the last few years, and I also liked seeing another side of Lord Pitt. Olivia is a brave heroine, trained and educated in many graces, she is very determined, and doesn't wait around for someone to save her. This is a fast moving read, with fantastic heroes to cheer for the entire way through. I think my favorite character was Alric, just seeing the man he has become especially after hearing one side of his story in Sabine and Bennet's story, was so wonderful and satisfying. A wonderful addition to the series, highly enjoyable, and full of action!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."


The Innkeeper's Daughter by Michelle Griep ~ Review

Lucie's Review:

Alex Moore is a Bow Street Runner on an undercover off the record mission to track down a traitor by posing as a roguish gambler, courting the viscount's daughter. While undercover he is staying at the Blue Hedge Inn in Dover, where he meets Johanna.

Johanna Langley works hard to keep the inn afloat, worrying about the lack of customers and how to care for her family
so that they won't be forced into the poor house. Johanna can't seem to understand why she is falling for the their guest's roguish charm.

Will Alex be able to complete his mission without putting them all in danger, or losing his heart in the process?

This book was slow to start, but as it picked up momentum I really enjoyed the many characters, great dialog, faith, and action-packed conclusion.

Johanna is hardworking and faithful, trying to hold on to the only way of life that she's known. She loves her family, and she is good at carrying on.

Alex is duty bound to fulfill his mission, he wishes that he could be more honest with the woman who has come to mean so much to him, and what will she do when she finds out that he isn't who he's been pretending to be? I like how he takes a deeper look at his faith, and learns about trusting God with the outcome. Also the way that he interacts with Thomas is good for him, as he encourages Thomas to keep trying and never give up.

Johanna's mother is a lot like Johanna, and there is more to her than most people know. Thomas is outgoing, friendly, and wants to help his mother and sister make the inn a success.

Overall once it got going this was a fantastic read with great characters, who are likable, and have great chemistry.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."


Their Amish Reunion by Lenora Worth ~ Review

Their Amish Reunion (Amish Seasons #1)
Lucie's Review:

Widow Ava Jane Graber is shocked to run into her former love Jeremiah. When Jeremiah left the Amish many years ago, Ava Jane moved on with her life and married his good friend Jacob, they had a god life with two children, Eli and Sara Rose, up until he drowned two years ago. Ava Jane had been selling baked goods to make ends meet, and is surprised to see Jeremiah show up at her stall.

Jeremiah left the Amish 12 years ago and has since become a Navy SEAL, he has been under fire and faced some of the greatest dangers, but the bravest thing that he has ever done is come back home. His father is dying, and his family needs him, Jeremiah wants to make amends for the bridges e burned 12 years ago.

Can Ava Jane forgive Jeremiah, and will they get a second chance at love?

The elders allow Jeremiah to stay if he starts taking baptism classes, which he agrees to. After his crazy life with the SEALs he is looking forward to a simpler life again. He tells his father about how he got into the SEALs and the adventures he had with them. Jeremiah may have left the Amish, but he didn't abandon his faith. He is a man of action and is quick thinking in a crisis.

Ava Jane jumps to conclusions and thinks that Jeremiah is a bad influence on her son, when in fact he is a great friend and mentor. Ava Jane is reluctant to forgive Jeremiah, but as she sees the man he has become they find their friendship rekindled. I liked how their dialog reflected their past relationship, and how they are now.

Overall a great story of forgiveness and second chances. Jeremiah is my favorite character, he is very brave to return home and I like how he reaches out to reconnect and rebuild burned bridges.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."


The Great Escape by M.J. Thomas ~ Review


My Review:

Peter and Mary are staying with their Uncle Solomon for the Summer, and already they have gone on some pretty amazing adventures. The continue their mission to unlock the secret of the scrolls, this time travelling to Ancient Egypt to witness the Exodus.

They befriend and Egyptian princess, Shephara, who shows them the life of an Egyptian royal. Meanwhile, something big is happening, Israelites Aaron and Moses come before Pharaoh showing great wonders and asking for the freedom of their people. Mary and Peter have 14 days to complete their mission or be stuck in Ancient Egypt forever.

The third adventure of Mary, Peter, and beloved dog Hank, as they go on missions to recover the messages of the hidden scrolls. Peter and Mary work together with the help of archangel Michael, and faithful Hank.

A fast paced read with great messages of faith. The Egyptians worshipped many gods, and treated the Israelites terribly, Peter and Mary stand for what is right as they search for clues. Great moments of action and good natured humor as well.

Overall this is a fantastic book series for chapter book readers, fast paced adventure with illustrations every few pages, with well spaced and sized print. It is very hard to find quality chapter books for young eager reader, let alone ones with a great biblically based storyline and good themes of right and wrong, with GOd and his word at the center, but this book series definitely helps to fill that gap. I serve at my church with the church library, and this series has already been very popular in the short time that it has been available, so I am pleased that more books are being released in this great series. Perfect for young readers!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."


The View from Rainshadow Bay by Colleen Coble ~ Review

The View from Rainshadow Bay (Lavender Tides #1)
Lucie's Review:
Widowed single mother Shauna McDade struggles to keep afloat with her private charter business and caring for her 5 year old son. When her business partner is murdered his final words warn her that she is in danger too. Even though she blames him for her husband's death, she turns to the only person she can trust, Zach Bannister, to keep her son safe.

Zach is determined to do everything that he can to keep his late best friend's family safe. He understands how Shauna feels about him, but is still hoping that she will forgive him. Meanwhile, Alex, her son can't wait to hang out more with Zach.

But as more people are killed, and the only clue is in a box given to Shauna before the house blew up, will secrets from her past destroy her chance at a bright future?

Alex likes Zach, and Shauna encourages their relationship for her son's sake. Zach and Shauna work together to try and figure out why she seems to be the target of a murderer. I like how Zach takes charge, moving them out of their home to where he can protect them better, yet he is respectful of Shauna's resentment. Tey start out walking on eggshells, but as they work together they find their friendship restored. Zach is especially good with Alex, playing with him and talking with him about heaven and God, which opens up more discussions on faith.

Zach is a man of faith and compassion. He's a known risk taker, who's done a lot of dangerous things in his lifetime for the thrill.  But what happened with Shauna's husband makes him rethink things, as well as having young eyes looking up to him.

Shaun has been through so much, and I admired her determination to take care of her son.

I liked the suspenseful and action-packed pace, and dramatic rescues. I like how the situation brings Zach and Shauna together. But I didn't like how the book followed that bad guy, he was super creepy, so I kinda skimmed over those parts. But I did like the interaction, quick pace, and intrigue.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising."


Seven Brides for Seven Texas Rangers Romance Collection by Erica Vestch, Amanda Barratt, Susan Page Davis, Vickie McDonough, Gabrielle Meyer, Lorna Seilstad, and Kathleen Y'Barbo ~ Review

Seven Brides for Seven Texas Rangers Romance Collection: 7 Rangers Find Love and Justice on the Texas Frontier
Lucie's Review:

Texas Ranger Company B is stationed in Hartville, TX, their objective is to catch the Markham Gang that has been terrorizing the countryside for years. Their leader is Cass Markham, their signature is a coin with a bullet hole through it. Hugh Sterling is the captain of the Rangers, and is wife Etta, welcomes all the Rangers as her sons, she believes it is high time that they got married, so she decides to start playing matchmaker for them all.

The Ranger's Reward 
Ranger Griff, and Evelyn Prentis must maintain the illusion that they are married to protect themselves from the Markham gang, occupying the Prentis Farm. Evelyn's son, Harrison loves having a "Pa." Can they become a family for real, and catch some outlaws in the process?

More Precious Than Rubies
Childhood sweethearts Whit and Violet are brought back together when they are traveling on the same train. The train gets robbed by the Markhams. Violet is determined to recover her family's valuables; she is surprised by her courage doing things that she never thought she would. I liked how she found her strength, and how Whit helped her and supported her all the way.

Jesse's Sparrow
Sarah is a survivor. When her stage is robbed, she keeps a cool head and does all she can to help the others. When Jesse arrives, Sarah convinces him to let her come with when he goes after the gang. I loved Sarah's faith and cool head in a stressful situation. Jesse is patient, respectful, and keeps offering friendship.

The Countess and the Cowboy
Ava and Ezra get off to a rough start but get a second chance when they find that the Markhams are involved in a horse sale gone wrong. Ava won't be left behind, which is fine because Ezra likes having her around, she is clever, strong, observant, and a good shot.

Simple Interest
Augusta is a spunky heroine who keeps her head when the bank that she works at is robbed and she is taken hostage. She is clever and leaves clues for Ranger O'Neal to follow. O'Neal has like Augusta for a long time and had been working up the courage to ask her out, but now that she's been taken, he is determined to rescue her and make his feelings known.

Partners in Crime
Ranger Micah is deep undercover with the Markham gang when Laurel is kidnapped and held hostage. Micah has won the trust of one of that gang members and offers to help tend the prisoner. Micah tries to do what he can to make sure that Laurel is comfortable, protecting her without blowing his cover. Laurel is understandably scared, but she can't help noticing that Micah is different from the others. Can Laurel and Micah make it out alive?

Guard Your Heart
This is the last in the series and it ties up all of the stories nicely. Branch is Captain Sterling's right hand man and is the most vocal opponent to marriage. Branch is tasked with protecting murder witness, Constance, who bonds instantly with Branch's dog, Jack. Jack is more than happy to guard Constance while they await the trial. Constance is courageous and willing to stand for what is right, she takes everything in stride, but she knows what Branch thinks about marriage, so she tries not to read anything into his chivalry.

I loved all of the stories in the collection, they work well together and share many of the same character. All of the rangers are good men who fight for what is right and to protect the woman that they love. Even though all the women come from different background and situations, they share traits of faith and courage. A fantastic read, with plenty of action on the Texas plain.

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