
Things I Do When I'm Not Reading...Update

What do you do when you aren't reading?

It's a common question. 

But in all honesty I probably read very little in relation to other book bloggers, clocking in at an average of 1 ish hours a day, typically early in the morning and before bed. 

I work full-time hours during the week, with a part-time job on the side, so most waking hours are spent working. My hobbies include, sleeping, eating, knitting, crocheting, biking, hiking, listening to music, keeping somewhat updated on the news, volunteering, and helping my mom out with AWANA, or the church library. I do struggle with balance sometimes, and was especially convicted after reading Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung that finding a consistent balance would be good for me physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

What do you do when you aren't reading?

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