
The Art of Love and Lies by Rebecca Anderson // Review

My Review: 

Roseanna Hawkins is a gifted artist, spending her time recreating famous pieces to grace the parlors of the upper classes, but when she finds that her works are tied to an art heist she partners with a police man to brings the real thief to justice. 

An engaging and thrilling clean romance, with likable characters and plot. I loved how Martin encouraged her in her art, and gave Roseanna a chance to prove herself, and he never gave up on her. The interaction between them is well done, and I liked how Roseanna sees past Martin's past to the man that he has become despite all of it. Great dialogue, engaging, with a fantastic conclusion!
A highly enjoyable read, with a sweet, clean romance, with a touch of suspense!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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