
Set in Stone by Kimberly Woodhouse // Review

Lucie's Review: 
Following in her father's footsteps, Martha Jankowski dreams of making an impact in the paleontological world and her dig seems more than promising. Raised among high society, her mother has hopes for her in another direction. 

Jacob Duncan came from humble beginnings, but shares Martha's dream of unearthing a whole dinosaur skeleton. Can they work together despite the seeds of distrust sown between them? 

An engaging race between two competing teams for the first complete skeleton brings two young hearts from different backgrounds together. I liked how Jacob is an honest man of integrity, and how he is open about his faith, sharing it with Martha. A wonderful addition to the series, but also a stellar stand alone. 

Well written and researched, it does a great job of bringing the bone war to life, with a touch of chilling suspense, and an opposites attract romance. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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