
Recapturing the Glory of Christmas: A 25 Day Advent Devotional by R. Albert Mohler Jr.

My Review: 

If you want an advent devotional that reaches beyond the saccharine sweet, and instead points to the gloriously true reason for wonder during the Christmas season, then look no further than the newest devotional from R. Albert Mohler. 

25 devotionals leading up to December 25th, delve into our need, and God's resounding answer. A Biblically sound devotional, more sobering at times, but all the more glorious in magnifying the reason we celebrate God's fulfillment of His promise. Well written, and great for sharing with your family. I was greatly encouraged when reading this each day, and liked how it emphasized celebrating this wonder all year long. 

Overall, a well-done devotional that can be turned to year after year, and appropriate in every season. It would make an excellent gift, as well as family devotional. Highly recommend. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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