
Between Flowers and Bones by Carolyn Leiloglou, illustrated by Vivienne To // Review

My Review: 

Picking up shortly after the close of the previous book, Vincent is still becoming accustomed to his gifts. Meanwhile, Georgia feels sidelined, by all the attention that Vincent is getting, but as the danger grows will Georgia's gift be the key to saving her family?

A fun sequel that dives right back into the story, but this time from Georgia's perspective. And I really liked that creative choice. It was fun to see the Restorationists from her perspective having grown up among them her whole life. I also liked getting to see another side of Grampa, but one of my favorite characters in this book had to be Mr. Ortiz. 

An action-packed read, rich in art history, with a solid message of how each of us have unique gifts that are all important and useful no matter how flashy, which was also tied in nicely with themes of faith and family. A great addition to the middle grade series, that left me wanting more! 

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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