
Saved By the Matchmaker by Jody Hedlund // Review

My Review: 

A midnight marriage of convenience to save her reputation leaves Enya the wife of steamboat captain, Sullivan O'Brien, a man who likes having the freedom to do his business up and down the river as a cover for a greater mission. 

I liked Sullivan instantly, he is a man who has been hurt in love before, not a flashy or silver-tongued man, but one with a quiet strength and integrity. I liked how he keeps trying to show Enya that he can be trusted, in a steady and dependable way. Enya knows that she made mistakes and struggles with punishing herself for the past. I loved seeing her regain her confidence, with Sullivan's love and support. Sullivan's father provided much of the romantic comedy, in the book throwing them into one situation after another. 

An engaging read, with captivating characters, strong themes of commitment and trust, as well as doing what is right and trusting God to forgive. I loved seeing Bellamy at his matchmaking again, and hope to read many more in the series, and maybe even see him find a match himself! A wonderful addition to the series, but it could also be read as a standalone. Highly enjoyable!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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