
My Dearest Dietrich by Amanda Barratt ~ Review

My Review:
Bittersweet and beautiful, this book brings to life the real-life romance between Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Maria von Wedemeyer in the dark days of WWII.

I procrastinated in reading this book for a long time because I knew how it would end, yet this book surpassed my expectations in so many ways, reverently handling this true story. Previous to this book I had read various books authored by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship, Christ is in the Manger, and Life Together, as well as the acclaimed biography by Eric Metaxas, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, so my respect for Bonhoeffer was already very well developed and I as afraid that I would be disappointed in this book--but disappointed I was NOT.

Meticulously well written and researched, this author's hard work really shines especially in regard to realistically portraying Dietrich. I recognized many of the characteristics in him that I had noticed in my previous reading, and I loved how she honored those things, bringing him to life within these pages an an almost tangible way.  Maria is an inwardly lovely young woman, as well as outwardly, she is very self aware, respecting and caring for her family deeply.  I admired her determination, and devotion to Dietrich through it all.

This book shows the tenderness of a love given by God, against the stark realities of WWII and the sacrifices made for the sake of a better future. I loved how this book showed a softer side of Dietrich Bonhoeffer through his love for Maria, and hers for him, yet also stayed true to his character, with great attention to historical fact. I loved how this book also featured many strong friendships. I also liked how the faith of the characters was prominently shown realistically as a very big part of their lives. This is a stunning historical read, bittersweet, stark, and tender. Highly recommend!

I checked this book out at my local library, opinions expressed are my own. 

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